Building Sustainably: Waste Reduction in C&D

Building Sustainably

The construction and demolition (C&D) industry drives progress, building the infrastructure needed for a growing population. However, this growth generates a massive environmental challenge: waste.

C&D activities produce 40% of global solid waste annually, with nearly 100 million tons originating in the United States alone.

Reducing this waste is both necessary and achievable. Here’s how C&D companies can make a difference.

One key factor behind C&D waste is poor planning during the design stage, which accounts for 33% of construction waste, according to research. Other contributors include material mishandling, site mismanagement, and insufficient knowledge of recycling and disposal practices.

To combat these challenges, companies should prioritize a waste and recycling plan before starting a project. This plan should include local disposal options, efficient waste removal tools like roll-off dumpsters, and recycling partnerships.

Deconstruction is another effective waste-reduction tactic. By salvaging materials during dismantling, this approach reduces waste output and minimizes environmental harm compared to traditional demolition.

With these strategies, the C&D industry can grow sustainably while protecting the planet. Explore the accompanying resource for more insights into reducing waste, courtesy of Sourgum Waste.