Different Materials You Can Select For Your Bi-Folding Doors

Bi-Folding Doors

It is becoming increasingly common in UK homes for owners to install bi-folding doors to their properties and embrace the outdoor spaces of their homes. You can open a large area of your home to the outdoors, perfect for those hot summer days. It is also ideal when having a party when it is warm, and there are various options you can choose for your home. Below are the different materials you can use for your doors that can look fantastic and practical to help you select the best material for your home that will look fantastic.

uPVC Bi-Folding Doors

One of the most common materials for bi-fold doors is uPVC, and it is also one of the most affordable options. These doors are low maintenance, and it is an excellent option when your budget is limited. You can clean the doors using a hose and a soft cloth, but you will need to ensure the doors you choose for your home are made from quality uPVC. If you get the lower quality doors, the frames can warp and bed as they get older, which will mean they need replacing. You also find that the doors will come with a 10-year warranty, but their colour will fade after one or two years. However, if your doors do this but are otherwise in excellent condition, rather than replacing them, you can consider uPVC spraying to bring back their colour.

Wooden Bi-Folding Doors

Another material you can consider using for your doors is wooden, which has been used in homes in the UK for u=hundreds of years. There are various types of woods you can use for your doors, and they have excellent thermal properties and can help keep your home nice and warm. However, they will require more maintenance than other options, and you will need to paint or stain the wood every few years to keep them looking fantastic. You will want to ensure that you select engineered wood for your doors, which can have fewer problems, but it is the more costly option. Not choosing engineered timber can lead to expensive repair bills if your doors develop a problem, so it is worth spending a little extra money on them.

Aluminium Bi-Folding Doors

The best material you can choose for your bi-fold doors for your home is aluminium, and this option is a practical solution that also looks fantastic. However, they can also be expensive, so they are not suitable for everyone, but they are relatively low maintenance and have excellent thermal properties. There are much more choices available now for the colours of the aluminium bi-fold doors, so you should be able to find something suitable for your home that matches the other windows and doors. Although they do cost more than the different options available, they offer the best value for money, so it is a solution you should consider carefully and select these if you can afford them. You can click here to see some images of aluminium bi-fold doors installed, so you can get an idea of how they would look in your home.